Santa fly-ins have become increasingly popular these days. Enstrom just flew Santa to a children’s breakfast in Menominee and our friends at Sweet Helicopters down in Fort Wayne chartered Santa from Indy Metro Airport to the Indiana State Museum. If you’re ever assigned to flying Santa Claus, be sure to double check your helicopter’s weight… Read more »
Enstrom recently participated in the local EAA chapter’s “Breakfast with Santa” at Menominee County Airport. The big man’s sleigh was in for some upgrades. While Santa was in town the local EAA chapter decided to invite local kids for breakfast and a visit with the Jolly Old Elf. Mr. Claus relied on an Enstrom 280FX… Read more »
At European Rotors in Madrid, Enstrom Helicopter Corporation displayed to the world once again why its helicopters are so highly regarded in the rotorcraft community. European Rotors, the largest business-to-business rotorcraft event outside the United States, grew even larger in scope this year. More than 5,400 people from more than 80 countries attended the event… Read more »
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation, following a full year of helicopter production, is eager to exhibit its latest rotorcraft at HAI HELI-EXPO in 2024. The world’s largest annual helicopter trade show is set to run from February 26-29 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. HELI-EXPO plays host to countless networking opportunities and educational courses, featuring… Read more »
Tucked under the paneling of any Enstrom helicopter, you’ll find several miles of cables and wiring. As part of Enstrom’s avionics department, it’s my job to build the wire harnesses we use to ensure your helicopter’s sensors, batteries, and electronic controls all remain functional. My name is Amy Larson, and I’m a relative newcomer to… Read more »
Here’s a question for you: what does the red and white crosshatched line (solid blue on older models) mean on your Enstrom’s airspeed indicator? I swear it’s not a trick question, but it often seems to trip up aspiring pilots during a check ride’s oral questioning. “Oh, that’s an easy one,” one student said. “It’s… Read more »
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation hosted a blood drive on November 6 for the American Red Cross. 32 people signed up to donate, donating a total of 23 units of blood. Six participants were first-time blood donors. Red Cross representatives said that a typical company-sponsored blood drive often sees only 10% participation. Enstrom saw 23% participation. “We… Read more »
On November 2, Enstrom Helicopter Corporation participated for the first time in Internship Draft Day at Lambeau Field. Dozens of college students from Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula competed for a chance to earn scholarships, internships, and apprenticeships from more than 60 participating companies. Despite its location just east of the Michigan-Wisconsin border, Enstrom is… Read more »
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation hosted mechanics from Zambia for a week of training on how to maintain Enstrom helicopters. The Zambian military had previously purchased Enstrom Turbine 480Bs with delivery expected in the near future pending aircraft completion. Zambian officials say they plan to use the aircraft for helicopter pilot training. “They took their studies seriously,… Read more »