Category: Safety Check

Safety Check: Stayin’ Alive with Precautionary Landings

84 years ago, in September of 1939, Igor Sikorsky lifted off in a VS-300, the world’s first practical helicopter, for an entire ten seconds in Stratford, Connecticut. Since then, helicopter manufacturers, like Enstrom Helicopter Corporation, have invested in new technology to make rotorcraft safer. However, no helicopter is 100% crash-proof. Former HAI president, the late… Read more »

Cell phones and soybeans, a guide for using cameras in the air

A few years ago, the minds at WIRED Magazine calculated the terminal velocity of an iPhone to be about 65 feet per second. Theoretically, they concluded, an iPhone falling hundreds of feet onto a soft surface would only see about half the amount of G force as an iPhone falling just three feet onto hard… Read more »

Safety Check: Summer Flying Tips

As I type this month’s Safety Check, I can hear a group of local pilots discussing their plans to fly to AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI. Organizers expect more than 10,000 aircraft to be there. We’re expecting good flying weather, but the hot summer air can still pose a few challenges. Here are a few tips… Read more »

Safety Check: Vuichard Recovery becoming more popular

In this month’s edition of “Safety Check,” let’s review the recovery procedures for vortex ring state (VRS), formerly known as Settling with Power. Unfortunately, vortex ring state leads to a number of crashes each year, as it occurs close to the ground where there is little altitude remaining for recovery. Vortex ring state occurs when… Read more »

Safety Check: Tweaking the Rotor RPM

Last week, I conducted five check rides over a four-day period. We flew in a Huges 269C, Guimball Cabri G-2, Enstrom 280FX, and an older Enstrom model F28A. While each aircraft operated flawlessly, I noticed many applicants struggled to maintain the rotor RPM in their respective helicopters. The Guimball Cabri G-2 is equipped with a… Read more »

Safety Check – What is a true formation flight?

Recently we had a client request an aerial tour of a property in central Indiana. The flight request involved multiple helicopters. During the pilot safety briefing, it was discussed having one pilot who would make the radio calls on behalf of the other aircraft. Knowing this would be a revenue flight we could not be… Read more »

How special is Special VFR?

Heli-Expo 2023 is being held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA March 6 – 9. As always it is a great event. I would encourage you to attend one or more of the many educational events sponsored by HAI. This year I will be presenting “DPE’s Pet Peeves” on Wednesday, March 8th… Read more »

How special is Special VFR?

Heli-Expo 2023 is being held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA March 6 – 9. As always it is a great event. I would encourage you to attend one or more of the many educational events sponsored by HAI. This year I will be presenting “DPE’s Pet Peeves” on Wednesday, March 8th… Read more »

Bad Habits are self-induced risks

As many of you will attest, Enstrom builds one of the safest helicopters in the world. And if Chuck Surack has his way that long-standing reputation will only be exacerbated with an improved product line that is second to none. However, Enstrom can only do so much to protect us. Once the airworthiness certificate is… Read more »

Upcoming Events

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh

07/22/2024 Sun., 07/28/2024
Location: Oshkosh/Nekimi, Wisconsin
Only in Oshkosh will you live seven straight days of world-class aerobatics, history coming alive through airplanes from all eras of flight filling the skies, fun into the night, camaraderie with fellow aviation enthusiasts, and much, much more.

Event Details

Enstrom Maintenance Course, Piston

09/23/2024 Fri., 09/27/2024
Cost: $1,400 Per Person
Location: Menominee, Michigan, USA
Enstrom offers maintenance courses to educate pilots and ground crew. They are I.A. Renewal Accredited.

Event Details

Enstrom Maintenance Course, Turbine

09/30/2024 Fri., 10/04/2024
Cost: $1,400 Per Person
Location: Menominee, Michigan, USA
Enstrom offers maintenance courses to educate pilots and ground crew. They are I.A. Renewal Accredited.

Event Details
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